Following are step-by-step instructions for constructing an economical stand for archery bag targets.
Step 1: Make sure that each main piece of 1-inch square steel tubing is 33 inches long. Black Flat Washers

Step 2: Construct the top piece.
Step 3: Construct the side pieces.
Step 4: Construct the bottom pieces.
Step 1: Take the side pieces and attach to each of the two bases. Make sure the washer on each side piece is placed toward the base and to the inside of the frame. The purpose of these washers is to serve as an attachment point for smaller target bags.
Step 2: Attach the top portion of the frame to each of the two sides.
Step 3: Attach the bag to the frame. After disassembly, the top piece can remain attached to the target and used to transport the target.
Reviewed by Reid Nevins, 4-H Environmental Science and Education Specialist, Center for 4-H Youth Development. Written by John Long, PhD, former Assistant Extension Professor, 4-H Youth Development.
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