€ 19 755 000 humanitarian assistance: • €255 000 IFRC (WASH) • €1 500 000 UNICEF (WASH) • €2 000 000 CARE FR (food security and livelihoods, education, shelters) • € 16 000 000 (food security and livelihoods, nutrition, education, shelter, protection, WASH)
ECHO office: 4 Humanitarian experts and 1 logistics / security expert also supporting the CP Team. Domestic High Flow Membrane

EUCP Team ALPHA (07/10 - 26/10): Team Leader (RO), 2 Information Management Experts (FR, DK), WASH Expert (SE), Health Expert (FR), TAST – 4 people (SE), Logistics Expert (SE), ERCC Liaison Officer.
EUCP Team Bravo (23/10 – 11/11): Team Leader (BE), Coordination Expert (NL), Logistics Expert (SE), TAST – 2 people (SE), ERCC Liaison Officer.
UNDAC Team + 2 EUCPT expert (FI, SE).
Relief assistance EUCPM: Light base camp, ICT/office/accommodation items, Water purification modules, water purification tablets, shelter units, hygiene and cholera kits, mobile toilets, NFI, tarpaulins, iron sheet, medication, jerrycans/buckets, solar lights and 2 vessels for strategic sea transportation.

FR RO Sheet In addition AT, DE, ES, IE, IT, LI, LU, NL, NO, SE, UK have allocated a total amount of more than EUR 10 million.