February 23, 2018, Vernon Hills, Ill.— Scientists, chemical hygienists, and researchers worldwide who work with high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and similar liquid-based technologies can get reliable protection against harmful chemical vapors with VapLock Closed Systems for solvent delivery and waste containment. They safeguard technicians and the environment and help maintain compliance with government safety regulations and laboratory best practices. VapLock Closed Systems also regulate solvent extraction, maintain the pressure equilibrium and control evaporation of the mobile phase, facilitating more repeatable analytical results.
Critical analytical instruments, such as HPLC, commonly use organic solvents. Reagent and collection vessels are often left open or ineffectively closed with films and aluminum foil, venting potentially toxic vapors to the atmosphere. VapLock Closed Systems offer a mechanical means to reduce exposure to volatile organic fumes and hazardous waste solvents. 1/16" 0.17mm Id Stainless Steel Capillary

VapLock Closed Systems are modular and versatile, with a full range of available options to adapt to most any equipment setup including a variety of materials for chemical compatibility and multiple port connections and bottle cap sizes.
For more information on VapLock Closed Systems, go to ColeParmer.com or call 1-800-323-4340.
Cole-Parmer has been a leading global source of laboratory and industrial fluid handling products, instrumentation, equipment, and supplies since 1955. Our product lines, including popular brand names such as Masterflex®, Ismatec®, Oakton®, Digi-Sense™, and more, are sold through company-owned customer channel outlets and a strong network of international dealers. We also feature an ISO-17025-accredited metrology lab for instrument calibration and repair. Cole-Parmer responds with excellence to customer needs, and offers application expertise and technical support. For more information, contact Cole-Parmer, 625 East Bunker Court, Vernon Hills, IL 60061. In the US, call 1-800-323-4340. International customers, call 1-847-549-7600. You can also visit ColeParmer.com.

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